The goal of Lead with Purpose is to help you become intentional in how you develop as a leader, positively influence others and how to best serve others.

Your influence grows alongside your commitment and ability to create superb relationships and add value to the lives of those you lead or influence. You will enjoy the practical and personal application of principles for inspiring, motivating, and influencing others and developing your own potential.

We subscribe to a fundamental principle: You reproduce who you are. So we ask this question – “do you want more of you?”

We focus on the two areas that make up a leader. We refer to these two areas as:

Above the Waterline is the process of developing or refining critical leadership skills to help you effectively lead and influence your people at a tactical level.  In Above the Waterline, we focus on four specific areas:
Problem Solving
Developing People
Sharing the Vision

Life Below the Waterline is anchored in the character of a leader. It focuses on four critical qualities:
Being Authentic
Being Vulnerable
Being Present
Being Courageous


In Lead With Purpose discover how to improve influence by:

  • Building trust through personal integrity.
  • Identifying and solving problems.
  • Prioritization.
  • Developing future successors.
  • Challenging and inspiring your team for results.
  • Defining and articulating a compelling vision for your organization or team.

Lead With Purpose will help you identify and build on the effective skills and qualities you already possess. It will also allow you to identify new skills, and change existing skills and qualities you may decide are not very effective. All the while equipping you to achieve positive change in the life of your organization through effective, visionary leadership.

We use a sailing metaphor to explain our approach. Below the Waterline is the keel of the sailboat. Without the proper keel, the sailboat is in trouble right from the start. Conversely, the deeper and better designed the keel is, the more stable and seaworthy the sailboat is, regardless of conditions. This may seem less important during the calm, but it will be of utmost importance when storms come.

Lead With Purpose focuses on the human side of leadership; what is necessary to help you get outstanding sustainable results long term from those you lead and influence. Lead With Purpose helps you discover your why” for leading and helps you develop your how” to lead. This program is designed to create behavioral change where necessary, by acting upon a predetermined and purposeful picture of leadership.  Leadership is an ongoing, never-ending process of learning, discovery, application and growth. Lead With Purpose is a valuable tool in that journey.

Package Price: $1,750.00

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